10 November 2009

Interactive HLS

OK. This is how you can participate during the recording of all future hank lazard shows. We don't live stream, but will tweet updates and occasionally crowd source for opinions. Or if you want to add anything, we'll work it into the show.

You can follow the show by:

1) following hanks tweets at twitter.com/hanklazard
2) following hanks status updates on facebook. become hanks friend and watch your live feed.

You can send comments by:

1) sending hank a tweet @hanklazard
2) sending a tweet containing #hank
3) comment on hanks status in facebook, or write on his wall.
4)send hank an email: hanklazard@gmail.com

We'll have hanks email open, where we can track emails and facebook comments. Sometimes there is a slight delay between the posting and when we get it, but since we are not live streaming, i guess it doesn't matter... but we'll try to respond through a tweet or facebook, so don't be worried if we don't respond immediately.

We'll also have hanks twitter feed open using tweetdeck with 3 columns: all friends, mentions, and a search for #hank.

our recording schedule is sporadic... to the extreme. but we'll tweet a heads up.